Monday 26 August 2019

Alpha Testo Boost X constructed and the type

Alpha Testo Boost X constructed and the type of workouts they did and if they train any differently or what their diets were like well i don't know how old you think I am but I'm not gonna bodybuilders I know with the black and white photos but but even if we go back to the 70s and 80s that's cool you know yeah but you got to realize that those athletes didn't own the pictures right so they they posed for pictures and those pictures were probably in someone's studio or it's someone else's gym I'll be with Frank Zane in San Diego weeks at the the fit Expo I host the seminars and all the fit Expos there's one an Anaheim there's one in LA that we got the one in San Diego Florida and Chicago and it's the panel of distinguished guests typically they've they're either still competing or they're retired and I do a QA with him in the audience and Frank Zane's gonna be out at that one and I'll be able to ask him a few things and this is another nugget because from that I'll be able to get some exclusive sit-down interviews with these guys that's why I thought Shawn Roy TV which is basically a glorified YouTube channel will be a place that I can just put this content rather than giving it to a company that might dispose of me or may not need me or they say who's Frank Zane your creative freedom yeah I got creative freedom and then I can also like again going behind the scenes at the shows I can also grab instantaneous content these phones they have like the 10 a 1080i whatever I mean they're crystal-clear and if I'm sitting like last year I was backstage and I left my phone in the recording area where we were doing the play-by-play and I walked outside I'm I wal

k right into the rock right throgh angel he's stand there by himself just kind of waiting for his time to come onstage and we had this long conversation about the Shawn Ray classic in Hawaii and this that and the other involve on I'm thinking of myself I had my phone I could have captured some of that stuff right some of these Nuggets because he's with seven bucks productions and they were producing this thing but I had this moment where if I had my camera I could have captured that candid moment on film and in the past who's thinking that way so now I've got t Alpha Testo Boost his producers hat on yeah I'll be able to get some candid behind-the-scenes stuff and who doesn't want to see you know LeBron at home with his kids got three boys still got the broader nutrition and one of them I mean hunters about to go pro oh wow he's big yeah he's a big guys like 200 pounds oh he's better than better than leek because he's a bigger version and of course we saw what happened with surgery leave a junior he wound up competing in the mr. Olympia after his dad and there's not these are all feel-good stories there's a lot of bodybuilders man that aren't doing well and we need to find out why and maybe they can help teach some of these guys some of the things not to do it all so humanizes them I think it's it's it's good to do if you're at least if you're trying to grow the sport it's good to humanize the athletes and some people see that they're 

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