DXN Code
Strike health
is a lot more important than Fitness you can be really fit doesn't mean that
you're healthy you know so I'm going to share with you guys some of the
strategies and some of the things that I put in my these on an empty stomach
first thing the morning I also take them with my meals as well it just helps me
digest my food a lot better absorb the nutrients from it a lot better as well
so empty stomach take my mass times another thing to take is L carnitine L
carnitine is something I take on an empty stomach and it basically helps you
with you know in combination with an exercise routine burn fat so L carnitine
mass times I drank my water and another thing I do often as well as I have
matcha green tea so this is matcha tea here it's an ancient Japanese green tea
and I take out my kettle and I'll just have that and this is a bit of caffeine
there's a lot of great benefits to green green tea I try to avoid caffeine so I
don't do this every day because I think that caffeine can be useful in some
ces but I don't like being dependent on it and when you're always dependent
on caffeine or coffee or whatever it is then the days that you don't have it
you can't function properly and you often crash a lot of the times too so I
like to take matcha tea I think it's just a more natural better quality better
high from caffeine as well but I don't do this every day just o DXN
Code Strike Order nce in a while
the next thing that I do is I make my juice so I just made this juice and just
prepared it I didn't want to spend time you know you guys watching me prepare
my juice so I'm gonna be more efficient with this but this is just a juice that
I just made and basically what I do is I juice different vegetables a lot of
greens this is as you can see the color of this is green so a lot of greens
like kale spinach celery broccoli collards shards I do put in some lemon as
well so I'll juice 1/2 a lemon a little bit of a carrot usually about one carat
or so just to add a little bit of sweetness carrots and stuff have sugar in it
so I don't like to have a lot of sugar and everything in my diet but just to add
a little bit more flavor to it and everything cucumber that that's essentially
it I basically just juice a ton of vegetables and drink it each morning now
it's great to drink some sort of juice on an empty stomach first in the morning
because when you do something you get rid of all the pulp and so when you drink
it your body doesn't have to spend any time or energy to digest it and so
therefore it just goes right into the bloodstream and
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