Tuesday 27 August 2019

DXN Code Strike body each day to support my health

DXN Code Strike body each day to support my health give me energy and at the same time making sure that I can look good and lose the body fat as well so I'm going to share to you guys some of the supplements that I take and everything I do just from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed and my structure my routine my ritual with that and if you guys want to adopt some of the stuff that I do great I'm not perfect by any means either so maybe there's certain foods and stuff that could be better in my lifestyle as well but this is just what works for me and what I'm doing so okay so the very first thing that I put into my body first thing in the morning is water so I'm gonna walk you guys through that right now so the water that I have here I'm gonna have to do a close up for you guys but this isn't an alkaline water ionizer and I'm going to turn it on and show you guys what this is exactly it talks to you but out of this machine it creates alkaline water restructures the water to make it alkaline and you can also make acidic water and different levels of pH of the water the water that I drink is 9.5 alkaline there's a lot of other benefits to this as well such as it's a changes in micro clusters of water so water molecules usually get from a tap or a bottle they're all clumped together and so when you drink it it doesn't go into the cells because it's all clumped again that's why a lot of people they drink a lot of water just kind of sloshes around in their stomach and everything it's not being absorbed whereas this water machine what it does is

 it micro clusters it so it makes into smaller molecules so it penetrates right into the cells so you super hydrate yourself and then also the water goes through these titanium plates and it picks up an electrical charge and makes the water into an antioxidant as DXN Code Strike Order  well so it's a lot of great benefits to it but first thing you need in the morning is water you're often really dehydrated so I've got a bottle here that I fill up all right so this is a bottle of water I have I usually drink at least one and a half or two of these every morning and I just flush my body I drink a lot of water throughout the day people that know me in my life know that I go to the bathroom a lot you know I just think water is so important and you always need to hydrate yourself so I drink my water sometimes I'll put lemon in the water as well like an organic lemon and squeeze in lemon juice that will help increase the pH of your water also and then also sometimes I put in a greens powder as well like a greens drink and drink that as well I'll share with you guys my greens powder that I take a little bit later on in this video so when I drink the water the supplements that I take with that are these two right here I take number one digestive enzymes this is a these are called mast signs a friend of mine weighed light heart he makes these specific ones called mass times they're more for bodybuilders and they have more proteins in them which helps you digest protein but I like taking


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