Monday, 5 August 2019

alpha titan testo it's just they didn't work for

alpha titan testo it's just they didn't work for me this person says not happy at all every time the hubby takes it he gets sick with the runs someone else is getting diarrhea - dude there's got to be something in there that you're allergic to you know that your stomach just can't digest or manage and that's why you almost shit your pants can you imagine you're like you're like about to get it on you know you're like oh it's kicking in I'm feeling good I'm feeling engorged with blood yes it is the time has come for me to insert my penis up oh my butthole is dilating I gotta go I gotta go and then she's on the bed just feeling super horny just sitting there all playing with herself just just waiting for you to come back and all she can hear in the other room is and then the sound of an open hose spraying into the bottom of the of the toilet they're just splashing up water that's not that'll turn you off real quick huh as that is an unfortunate side-effect did that did unfortunate side effect for sure oh my gosh uh let's do let's do one more do one more here and then I got a little special little special thing that we can now review over here that has to do with male enhancement all right this next one extensions for testosterone enlargement booster okay yada yada right cuz the rest is just we already know what's going on here hmm let's read what it's uh what it's all about what is this gonna do for me you know what I mean it says a hundred and twenty day money-back guarantee up to 4-inch gain holy shit extreme strength what happens if you already have a massive dick and you take this look what if you already have like a 10-inch dick and then you take this are you really going to get that four inches or they're a proration that goes on based upon the dick payment that the universe already gave you and then you know it's like well you know you already got it so where you're only gonna get one and a half out of this but if you got four inches we're gonna get you up to eight don't worry big guy deserve it I also wonder like you know going back to the we're all unique snowflakes and everything like I always thought of like penises and vaginas as locks and keys you know what I mean that's kind of how I look at them and I feel like there's a you know there's there's a penis out there for every vagina and a vagina out there for every penis you just got to find the right one so if you had a five inch you know maybe you just got a date a midget you know I'm saying or you got a date someone's a little bit shorter someone with a smaller waistline a tinier vagina I guess having a small 

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