Monday 26 August 2019

Alpha Testo Boost X segment on my Sean Ray

Alpha Testo Boost X segment on my Sean Ray TV where I'm sitting down with some of the people that helped start this the desert fire in the desert he burned his assistant you know friend right yeah no from him his wife his wife he killed his girlfriend and III got my fingerprints on that because when Craig came to I picked him up at the airport and he guessed pose and I showed him where to buy his house it makes me know he moves out there I didn't know he's gonna become a killer but what's he doing now let's yeah I want to try to get that you know because that story's not gonna get told and that's somebody that's close to it goes and seeks it I don't even know that oh yeah Craig taya Craig and Bertil Fox are the two body builders that are in jail for murder yes sir 1997 Myrtle Fox flew me out there to do his grand opening at his gym in his homeland st. Kitts out in the islands his girlfriend picked me up lyokha actually there was his ex-girlfriend at the time but they were friends she's like 21 20 years old and a year later you know dekhta he comes back from England she'd moved on had a boyfriend had a relationship and he came in and he shot her in her in her mom's shop and since the mom probably made a fist hissy fit about he shot her too in the face and then he waited for the cops to come and he was facing hanging I guess because it's governed by either than English or the French or something like that but he wound up getting a double life sentence and he's sitting behind bars but the irony of that is I was there like eight or nine months before it actually happened oh so his nickname was brutal Bertil Fox brutal and he's one of those head cases that he didn't drive he had the anger management testosterone thing going on very low self-esteem great body bu

ilder got 50 in the 83 mr. Olympian was never the same and like it was like like Mike mincer it crushed him defeat crushed him and it changed who he was as an athlete because he thought he should have won yeah I learned about him reading the original A Alpha Testo Boost rnold Schwarzenegger encyclopedia bodybuilding Bertil was in the in there doing like shoulder workouts and stuff so you can imagine I was 17 years old when I walked into worlds gym and saw him working out mind you that's the year he got third and he's trained very uniquely real loose with his form and like Ronnie Coleman yeah he was a strong strong strong bodybuilder kind of blocky though when he came down to the legs yeah but at 17 year old I'm watching him in his prime and then in 97 I'm at his gym opening and then then he's in jail for murder so crazy I'm attached to a lot of these stories and of these people and I want to bring those stories out where they now good bad or ugly it doesn't really matter guys and girls can I make a request now because I also am a fan especially the old school you know bodybuilding whatever I would love to see some stories on how they trained and the equipment that they used i love looking at pictures of old gyms and seeing the type of equipment that they had and how the benches were 

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