Monday, 26 August 2019

Alpha Testo Boost X industry sitting across from

Alpha Testo Boost X industry sitting across from Ronnie Coleman or from Lee Haney or finding out what their he's like you know Lehane he's got he's about to become a grandfather oh wow and I want to be sitting there in his living room with his eights and out trophies and see his wife that he married from elementary school and his two kids you know he brought Josh onstage and he brought Olympia he named his daughter Olympia she's a full-grown woman now and where are they now what are they doing right so I want to bring that kind of thing back and then there's two kind of like the robin Leach lifestyles of the rich and famous right so I want to see like what's the fruit of their labor Lehane he's got a great story he won one of the mr. Olympia Astro wieder what do I do with this money and Joe said buy land so he was in Atlanta he went out he bought just a patch of dirt it was like $60,000 he put it down and just left it some 15 or 20 years later the airport Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta wanted to buy this land because they're expanding the freaking Airport because this is such a major hub and he sold it for two million dollars oh wow he took that two million dollars and he bought a strip mall and he put in there they got Starbucks 

Verizon Subway I mean legitimate tenants and he bought his house off one of his Olympia cheques I'm 25 30 years ago for like $600,000 which is like two million dollars now the hearing those stories gives the bodybuilders coming up behind them a little bit of perspective on what's possible now is that is that more common or less common like what do yo Alpha Testo Boost u see like knowing everybody is there is there more guys that have actually taken that and done great things in our financially set or is there more guys that are struggling financially yeah I mean it's like any other sport you know isn't it amazing you watch these basketball players on a 100 million dollar deal and they're broke like in ten years so there's really no snow story on how to do it or there's nobody even showing an example of what can be done but when I sit across from somebody like Lee Haney I'm absorbing that shit and I'm telling that story to other people so they hear it I want to capture that from the source right I did it on my radio show when I was at muscular development but I'm gonna be traveling around with Sean Ray TV getting those little nuggets and also the other side you know Craig sits in a jail for you know murdering the assistant out in 

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