Tuesday 30 July 2019

Keto Fit believe I let myself get to

Keto Fit believe I let myself get to this point now when I say this the last thing that I want any of you to do is think about all the things that you think about yourself and start beating yourself up for it because all these are valid thoughts these are something that you have created in your life you are taking notice of it and a lot of us think that once we take notice and take recognition of what we have created we usually feel like once we acknowledge that we'll be able to change it but a lot of what happens is we start to focus on it so much we let it bring us down we let it completely destroy our motivation and I'm going to tell you guys exactly how to change this thought pattern and start changing your life for the better in a second but before I get to that I want to share with you guys one of my favorite audio books in the entire it is called breaking the habit of being yourself by Joe Dispenza I started listening to this recently once again which is what spurred this video I myself have gone through periods of obviously gaining weight and thinking very negative things about myself I've gone through depression I've gone through just feeling like crap above myself thinking that absolute lowest of myself and it's one of the biggest reasons that I haven't been super active on social media because I want to be a positive force in other people's lives and if I feel like I'm not living up to that how can I help anybody else if you want to understand this concept and how to apply it to your life in the most incredible way possible I 100% recommend getting this audiobook listening to it when you are running when you are cleaning when you are doing the dishes I lis Keto Fit Australia  ten to it when I'm at the gym when I'm driving anywhere when I am just cooking in my kitchen or doing anything like I love listening to audiobooks because I don't have to stop my entire day to learn something new and most of the time if I'm not listening to an audiobook I'm just listening to the same songs over and over again so I might as well be using my time in a productive way I'm also super excited because my favorite audiobook company is sponsoring this video today audible if you guys have not heard of audible it is an amazing app that you can get on your phone you can also listen to it on your computer you can download an array of different audiobooks I really personally like to listen to audio books that are more of a self-help style but there's every genre of audiobook on this program audible is great on the go whether you're at the beach hiking with your friends or road tripping you can listen to audible anywhere at anytime and listen up Amazon Prime members for a limited time you can start an audible membership and save 66% on your first three months a total of $30 off that's like getting three months of the price for one you'll pay just for 95 per month for the first three months


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