Sunday 28 July 2019

rejuve allure like a spatula holder so I literally

rejuve allure like a spatula holder so I literally have the spatula for my moisturizer in here so what I like about this is it's really great for oily skin the first ingredient is caucus japonica root and that is again an anti-inflammatory and hydrating ingredient there is no water in this moisturizer which I really like and I put this in my Instagram story and someone was like oh well is it bad if there's water in your skincare products and the answer is not necessarily it's just that water is usually just like a filler ingredient so what I like about this is that the first ingredient is not water it's actually an ingredient that will help you know benefit the skin like it's it actually actively does something so that's why I like this brand and this moisturizer so much next I have my ola Henriksen banana bright eye cream you guys know my philosophy surrounding eye creams I don't really think you need it I have it and I use it but I don't think you really need an eye cream and then I have this is another moisturizer this is the derma East skin restore advanced peptides and collagen moisturizer I really like this one as well it's very very hydrating this is great for combination skin and then right next to that I have the dr. Denis gross c plus collagen deep cream I actually don't really like this that much so I'm gonna return it then right next to that I have two natural deodora

nts this is the Tom's natural deodorant and then this is the one by bioessence I do not like this one at all and it's too late to return it but there's something about the scent that doesn't agree with my natural body scent it smells very bad but I really like this one the Tom's one this is the fresh apricot one do you guys say apricot her apricot I kind of say both it just depends on how I'm feeling at the moment I say it and then right next to that I have a sulfur appointment this is by de la Cruz I actually use this on my body I have for everyone that doesn't know but I've talked about it many times I have a skin condition called malice ease if folliculitis and I have it on my chest and all my shoulders and this has really helped keep everything at bay it smells like sulfur unfortunately but that's like a small price to pay for healthy skin basically what malassezia flick lightest is is that it's in it's a fungal infection of a hair follicle so it's basically an overgrowth of fungus on my body but it's a fungus that everyone has it just becomes a problem when there's an overgrowth of it so when some when your skin's like natural flora becomes imbalanced that's when skin problems start to happen so that's why I started breaking out when I use this twice a day because there was an imbalance of good and bad bacteria and for some people are naturally like I guess susce rejuve allure reviews ptible for having an overgrowth of certain like fungi or bacteria for me unfortunately it is that malassezia fungus so that's why I use this to keep those breakouts at bay I literally just like slather this on my chest neck and shoulders and I leave it on for like 15 minutes and then I get in the shower and wash it all off but I freaking love this stuff it works better than those uh dandruff anti-dandruff shampoos for me and then here I have my mass this is a placards case so this case was originally for like those tooth pick floss like those floss picks situations you know but I use it for all of my mask spatulas you know what I'm saying and then this is one of my favorite clay masks this is the Boscia matcha magic super antioxidant mask I've talked about this so many times on my channel before it is super hydrating despite it you know being like a clay mask this is the Peter Thomas Roth

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