Saturday 27 July 2019

Virilaxyn Rx counter strategies and so I'm reading your comments

addictive combinations in the world that's why because people are addicted to pizzas the potato chips salt fat crunchy and some cases flour and sugar those combinations are highly addictive to bring more so than heroin or cocaine sugar especially and so you have to understand are you Virilaxyn Rx dealing with any food allergies that are gonna activate different hormones they're gonna make it hard for you to lose weight number that was number ten number nine is around emotions questions for all of you how many of you are emotional eaters do you eat when you're stressed out do you eat when you're bored do you eat because food loves you you know it doesn't judge you doesn't doesn't blame you and when you eat food you feel good it just feels good I comfort myself with food I use some food to comfort me in stressful times I would I would I would just eat I would eat the right foods but I just ate too much of it so I had not a problem with what I ate but I had a problem you know with how much I I had a problem with portion control and eating when I was emotional even though I wasn't hungry how many of you are like that so you have to know what are the triggers what are the things that cause you to eat emotionally and then how do you become aware of the trigger then how do you creates counter strategies and so I'm reading your comments

you're gonna learn some amazing tools if you want to go deeper into this so number ten is you have to discover if you have any food addictions or allergies and when you understand if you're dealing with food addictions so for example I was addicted to sugar and so even though I in many cases before I learned a lot of this stuff would go on you know proper diets my food addiction to sugar Virilaxyn Rx Reviews would mess up the whole thing as soon as I get off the diet so you have to understand that when you have a lot of sugar okay or flour or salt or fat or a combination of those that combination is one of the highest Sonia or Anita says I'm addicted to lasagna how many of you are addicted to food hit the like or the love button you're addicted to lasagna it's actually the flour the salt in the lasagna and the fact our salt fact that combination neural explosion of dopamine and feel-good chemical so you're addicted to that combo versus the lasagna and possibly you know the pasta the sugar the sugar in the pasta let me see you know I love reading your comments a food addiction is the worst of Disco's we need food to live love it love it love it bored depressed yeah having to light meals without sugar day will be enough and you'll be healthy portion controls an issue yeah so you need to know your triggers number eight is calories matter I want you to imagine that you have a bank account and you put you know five hundred dollars in and you only take three hundred dollars out you still have two hundred dollars right well when you consume calories is energy and we call it food but it's energy you have fats proteins carbohydrates simple and complex carbohydrates every gram right so every gram of fat is nine calories every carbohydrate is four calories so 

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