Saturday 27 July 2019

Virilaxyn Rx chocolate chip cookies that I'd have with

surplus is stored as glycogen first and then converts to fat and so all food converts to fat if it's not used so you have to somehow create some kind of a mechanism to expand at least what you're consuming to maintain you know your current weight but then if you want to release more Virilaxyn Rx weight you have to create mechanisms to use up more energy and it's really hard to think your way into weight loss it does work by the way if there's some portions of it that does work but it's not thinking it's more visualizing which we'll get to in just a moment and so calories matter and the type of calories matter as well and I'll tell that I'll tell you that and I think point number four are you enjoying this I'm gonna go fast give me some ideas if you want to join me later on today for a deeper dive with experts it'll be worth it there's a link below that I see my team just put in there so that's number two or number I'm sorry number three or number eight number seven is you've gotta create a process where you can check and manage your progress daily you've got to figure out a way of managing you know how many calories am i putting in what type of calories am I putting into my body how much exercise am I actually doing and how many calories that's actually burning a lot of people don't knows let me give you an example something I learned that blew my mind right one chocolate-chip cookie one chocolate-chip cookie and a little sugar a little flour you know the little fat one chocolate chip cookie I need to run 40 minutes forty minutes 30 to 40 minutes to burn the calories on one freakin chocolate chip cookie well I wouldn't eat one right I would eat ten and so guess what I'm not gonna be able to lose weight if even if I exercise for an hour a day you know I'm gonna need to exercise for 400 minutes in order to just the ten chocolate chip cookies that I'd have with

 thinking your brain uses 25% of all of your account of your taking in more than you use there's a surplus that my hemp milk and so you have to understand calories in matter what kind of calories matter but also expenditure matters and you have to track and measure until you get an idea of what really is going on okay yeah Wow Wow Sofia so like Wow iced tea you know like a lisa carrot cakeVirilaxyn Rx Reviews  like that big you know I wouldn't eat a piece of apple pie I need half an apple pie I don't need a scoop of ice cream I would eat three like I said you know food portion controls big for me sugar was big for me as well so I learned some of that and so you have to you have to track and measure your progress that was bullet point number seven number six is you have to change your environment is this good by the way you enjoying this give me a like of the love I like when I see those coming up my screen you have to change your environment so what kind of environment number one do not change the restaurants you go to in some cases initially like I can go to any restaurant now anywhere in the world and I know exactly what I cannot eat and won't eat and what I will eat but you also have to change your environment of what's in your fridge what's in your pantry I used to be somebody who goes into the pantry or the fridge like at 7:30 8 o'clock at night how many of you even after you ate dinner you like a little snack before you know while you're watching TV while you're doing work while you're reading I used to every single night go and get something from my fridge and usually it wasn't the healthiest choice anybody else um you know anybody else like that here that was me you know just being real and so what I did is I said okay let me tackle one thing at a time and so 

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