Saturday, 27 July 2019

Virilaxyn Rx tips of those all right that makes sense that's

gonna lose three four five six seven pounds and you're gonna celebrate but it's wait it's lying to yourself fat is what you want to focus on releasing off of your organs and from your body and when you do that it's a totally different psychological mechanism that you're using and you're Virilaxyn Rx not trying to trick yourself you're you're understanding that you are a molecular structure made up of energy and you have bones tissue muscle fat water etc and what you want to be focusing on is fat loss that's sustainable versus weight loss that isn't I want you to think about something why do 99% true statistic 99% of people who lose weight gain it all back 1% is successful 99 or not the question is why that's because they've got the wrong freakin psychology going into it and they fooling themselves and they don't understand the mechanisms okay that's happening in their brain that's causing to gain all the weight back and in many cases one or two or three or four or five or six extra pounds because of some things that are going on in their brain and how their brain is wired and so I want you to just stop fooling yourself don't go on a diet and don't go and exercise unless you're going to choose a food plan a way of eating and a way of behaving okay that releases the weight in a healthy way over time that you can sustain and keep you're better off losing one pound of fat a week then three or four or five pounds of water and other stuff that you're gonna gain back so that makes sense if it makes sense hit the like or the love button I'm gonna start with number ten I'm gonna work down I already gave you a few really good tips of those all right that makes sense that's

gonna be you know that you have some serious serious serious medical issues going on sometimes you to easily change habits. My ideal weight is easy to maintain. Every cell in my body is healthy getting to be healthy. I develop a slim and attractive body. Every cell in my body feels Virilaxyn Rx Reviews energetic and healthy I always take care I anything other than fat you're tricking yourself into believing that you're losing weight so if you go on these low caloric diets where you are starving yourself and depleting your body of water yeah you're what the yo-yo diet syndrome is all about lose weight gain weight lose weight gain weight lose weight gain weight you know I gained and lost 250 pounds 10 15 20 25 pounds at a time until I was sick and tired of it and so I spent over $50,000 hiring experts to understand you know some of the stuff and you know I've been at 190 597 pounds now for the last five years because I was focusing on fat loss and being able to sustain it does it make sense do you want to sustain it you know and do all the work and then all of a sudden gain it all back and do all the work and all back and do all the work you know I'll spend all the time and money and emotions to do that it's just it's stupid at our age to do that do it once do it right and then sustain it okay alrighty yeah I see that we're getting some good likes and loves ok so number 10 I'm gonna go 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 by the way later today I think at 5 o'clock Pacific time 8 o'clock I'm doing a winning game of weight loss about a two hour training on going deeper on the stuff I'm talking about today if you want to join it's free and you'll learn you know the tactics tools too what's happening in your 

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