Tuesday 30 July 2019

Keto Fit e Dispenza breaking the habit

Keto Fit e Dispenza breaking the habit of being yourself I've also read hundreds of other books today I'm just going to give you a really brief explanation of what you can start doing today to start changing your life because there is a lot that goes into this but it is actually very simple I wouldn't say it's the easiest thing in the world but it is very simple the only reason that it's not easy is because you are changing a lifetime of self-talk a lifetime of habitual negative beliefs negative habits and you're changing all of that so it's kind of like going into a garden where you have a bunch of plants planted already but you haven't weeded it in a while and you're taking out all of the weeds and maybe you spend a few hours taking out all the weeds and it's a lot of work obviously the weeds here are symbolic of a lifetime of negative habitual thinking and negative habits that you have acquired it's gonna take a little bit of time to change it but once you take out all the weeds you have so much space to start planting new positive thoughts and start developing new positive actions and habits that are actually going to get you to your goals and to where you want to be so the number one thing that you can start doing today to start changing all of this is start talking to yourself in a different way a lot of us have like I said habitual patterns of talking to ourselves negatively one thing I want to mention is that when I first tell people this they say oh of course my life is the way that it is because I talked to myself in the most derogatory way I would never talk to anyone else to ever like that and they start realizing all the things that they've been telling themselves but then they say Hannah I can't do this because I'm lying to myself I can't tell myself that I only eat when I'm hungry and I never been g'd and I love exercising when I am always eating and I hate exercise the number one thing that I want you to realize is that as you currently are sitting in this form in this space and time you are a product of al Keto Fit Australia  l of your past thoughts and actions and feelings surrounding yourself everything you have ever thought about yourself everything you have ever felt about yourself has brought you to take the actions to get you to where you are right now if you only look at where you are right now and you are constantly recreating where you are right now all you're doing is living in the past you're just recreating all of the past thoughts actions and beliefs that you have about yourself so to create something new you need to start creating new thoughts new


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