Monday 29 July 2019

origins keto the hardest part out of this

origins keto the hardest part out of this whole journey was first of all though I felt a lot more confident and amazing because I didn't feel like I looked so overweight and unhealthy and I just I know that I stand taller I know that my posture is better my skin's better and just everything that I'm feeling on the inside is coming out on the outside and I just feel better and more mental clarity and you don't walk around in a fog and I sleep good and my restless leg syndrome isn't as painful every day as it used to be and that is that's everything that's changed and I just hope it keeps getting better and better that's what intrigues me about keto eating I'd love to hear things like it was easy - was it weight I would love to hear things like was it easy to stick with eating keto what things did you notice with your body which I already answered and if you when you notice those changes everything that I just talked about when you notice those changes that will keep you going that will keep that will help you get past the cravings and the feeling like you need to be eating like everybody else around you you will be amazed with yourself when one day you can walk by whatever it is doughnuts pizza and go hmm I don't want it I don't want it I have my Aikido lunch waiting for me I'm full from my keto breakfast I don't want it and you'll find other ways to just do what you want to do to be happier and not let food be the thing that you think you need that makes you happy what else I think that's it because the rest of her question do you miss any of you origins keto reviews r old food favorites or does the replacement foods do the trick like sweets or breads yes I told you does that anything you crave you can find a keto version for a keto recipe for any old favorites I think I said at the beginning probably Candi and my main candy of choice is gummy bears and I thought I found a replacement when I bought that smart sweets brand but then I found I was a little too addicted to those and I couldn't one whole bag was a serving but then they made me feel awful but yet I still crave to them and I knew I had to get those out of the house so we finished our last bag and then I had not bought them since so candy is still something that I just think like I said I think I need it but I really don't 

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